The Final Countdown

The day has come, the day that has been on my countdown since the beginning of senior year, the day of my first exam. Tomorrow is my very first A-level examination in English Literature. As my school follows the british system, we do exams at the end of a two year course, the grades then go towards our university applications so are not to be taken lightly!

I have five exam papers to take; one for english literature, two for geography and two for biology which means that all my exams will be done by the seventeenth of june which is less than two weeks away (a terrifying thought). It seems like the entire time I have been in sixth form, I have been counting down the days until I get to leave and finally start living in an independent manner but now that the time has come, I'm not so sure that I'm really ready. 

But alas, I cannot slow down time nor can I alter the time of my exams so I have poured my entire life into studying for these past couple of months which has meant that I have had even less of a social life than normal!

I am slightly apprehensive about my english literature exam as my whole grade is based upon this one paper and coursework which is nerve wracking to say the least, but at least I know that I have studied as much as possible and hopefully my writing will be up to scratch!

On Friday I have my first geography exam which lasts a grand sum of three and a half hours and as much as I love the subject, three hours writing on volcanoes and ecosystems is not top of my things to do list.

And finally, biology. Finding the motivation to study for this subject had been rather hard, however the desire to spite my somewhat negative teachers has definitely spurred me on to get extra tutoring; the benefits of which are evident in my work. It is one of those subjects that if you know the content, it's easy however it is the learning of the course that is tricky. But be honest with me, who really has the strong desire to learn the true in's and out's of photosynthesis?

So I shall love you and leave you as I return to my books, my hand eventually falling off from sheer exhaustion. I will be back in touch after my exams or possibly sneak in another post in between some of them.

Following my exams, I am considering restarting my youtube channel, so let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. could you please continue with your makeup tutorials, they were so helpful, especially the nicki minaj one xx
