Showing posts with label fit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fit. Show all posts

GTB: Gym, Tan, Blog

GTB, did you see what I did there?
Gym, tan and blogging are three things that I simply could not live without and the combination of the three leads to a healthier, happier Ellie!
But honestly, I am being serious.

As I am currently away, I do not always have access to a gym but I still try to do my best! It has been particularly tricky whilst I have been at the beach however, I have done my best. Every day of this holiday I have kayaked in the sea for an hour in the morning followed by an hour of swimming. Then in the afternoon I swim again for an hour however I incorporate some aqua exercises that strengthens and tones thighs and abs!
I love kayaking especially in the sea as the wind and current makes you work even harder which works them arms! Goodbye bingo wings!

I used to hate working out and considered it a chore but now I love the feeling afterwards! This is due to the endorphins released during exercise. The hard part is getting off the couch!

I bet you all are wondering how I fit in the tanning part, well the benefits of swimming and kayaking are they are both out in the sun which means you tan as you work out! Great combo!

Finally, the blogging. I blog primarily at night purely because it enables me to think about potential topics during the day and how I want to phrase them!