Showing posts with label teenager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teenager. Show all posts

Room Decor

So I recently re-designed my room and here is the finished result!
Photo/Memory Wall

I know this is really short, but a picture speaks a thousand words!

Style for Less: Kendall Jenner

As you've probably guessed, I have a huge style crush on Kendall Jenner. Therefore I have combined some style for less outfits that she's worn!

Outfit 1:

Outfit 2:

The Little things in Life

National Geographic is one of my all time favourite channels and I am just obsessed with watching various documentaries, however, today I was watching one that crushed my heart.  It was about this slum in Dhaka and was explaining how important education is to the people who live there, it is so important that they would pay whatever they had. Education was a way out of their world of poverty. It provided a road out of their slum dwellings by giving the opportunity for them to get a job and earn their own income. What really hit me was the fact that these people were so pleased to get a job as a cleaner or a construction worker and here I was worrying about whether I would get accepted into one of the top 10 universities in the UK. Although I have been brought up in a different society to these people, it really taught me to appreciate the little things in life. Now whenever I complain about having to get up at six am in the morning to attend one of the top schools in South East Asia, I just remember that this is a dream for some people. Whilst applying for universities and such, I just need to remember that no matter where I go It is up to me to work with that degree and help those who need. 
Our A2 Geography syllabus consists of a topic called Development. We were showed a video where Paul Collier was explaining the two extremities in the world. He explained that initially Europe and America were the rich and healthy countries (population of 2billion) and there were the transition Asian countries (China) and then countries such as India and sub-saharan african countries which were the poor and sick countries. Those living in the 'rich and healthy' countries wanted a car, those in the transition countries wanted a bicycle and those in the 'poor and sick' countries just wanted a pair of shoes. I had never thought about it like that and really wanted to point out how drastic these extremities in society are; the very rich and the very poor.

Now whenever I feel like moaning about my work load or those extra hours of swim training, I remember that I am living a dream compared to so many out there.
So remember, just think about all those things you do have before you complain.


Boys Boys Boys

I sincerely hope that some of my blog readers are girls because this post is all about those boys. 
As a vigilant Nicholas Sparks fan, I have always had my ideal man in my head (It doesn't matter that he looked like Ryan Gosling) but the reality is that not all of them are romantic heroes and will take us rowing on a lake covered with birds. This often causes us to reject boys, even if they like us! It doesn't matter if they don't come up to you and get on one knee to ask you on a date; it's the twenty-first century, being asked out over Skype or Facebook is fine.

I know from past experience that I have said no to guys purely because they asked over Facebook but the reality is that they may just be shy of your reaction. There is definitely nothing more humiliating than being turned down in the middle of the school cafeteria. 
Please, ladies, give him a chance!

Another issue that many girls have problems with is when guys try to take advantage of you.  I have had past experience with this and I know how flattering it is to be constantly complimented and then suddenly be told that they don't want a relationship or worse still, to be ignored completely for no apparent reason. It hurts. I know it hurts. The thing is, they are obviously not worth it. Everyone tells you to wait for that perfect boy as he is out there but I disagree. Do not wait for that perfect boy, highschool romances rarely last but wait for that perfect man. A man who will treat you right, who will respect you and stay with you through thick and thin, a mature man. Trust me on this. 
It is simply not worth the pain and angst chasing after a pathetic highschool boy who is hardly passing school. 

One passing remark, don't expect a romantic literary hero and you won't be disappointed. Wait for that perfect man who will respect you and stay with you for the rest of your life, for better or worse.